I post google banners on the tops of my personal websites to help them generate more revenue.
It has proven quite lucrative otherwise I would not recommend it.
To sign up for Google Adsense go to: http://www.google.com/adsense
Of course it helps if you know some of the Google Ad Secrets to help your banners get more click thrus. I would like to share some of these secrets with you here.
Try to make your google banners have the same background color as your webpage and no borders-this makes it seem more like a part of your website.Put the banners below the main heading or navigation bar. To see examples of where I have done this please visit my site Used Heavy Equipment.
Put them on the tops and bottoms of each webpage and add a Google Search bar below the bottom one on your site.Try to integrate google ads throughout your site so they seem to be a part of it.
Hi, my name is Ann Menke and I design and promote websites for my company A1AWEB.com I work from home out here on my little mini farm in a very rural part of Bunnell Florida. I enjoy helping people promote their already existing and new businesses on the internet and have been doing this for over 8 years now, so have alot of advice to give about creating websites, the marketing of them and their promotion. Of course I do appreciate feedback so please feel free to comment on my posts.