Saturday, January 08, 2005

Can Prices be Too Low?

It always amazes me when I get emails from people saying my prices are too low for website design....are they the price police...or are they just upset that I am undercutting their that a crime?
One time I got an email from a lady saying I was selling my Boston Terriers for too much money that she didn't charge that much...I told her I was getting what I was asking and she was upset by this. How strange.You can charge whatever you want for whatever merchandise you sell on the internet...where do these people get off saying things like your prices are too low or too high for they think that saying that will change something for them?
I mean if they feel prices are too high-then just ask for a discount-or give, at the very least, some reason why they feel that way. If you feel my prices are too low on my emeralds website then let me know why you feel that way? You can't expect things to change for you if you don't give a reason why they should be changed.
If after trying everything you can on your website to make sales and you still can't make them then maybe your prices are too high...try cutting them at little at a time on a few items and see if that brings forth some action.Check your competition to see what they are competeing with everyone in the same industry online so you have to price competitively.

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