I have learned after doing many link exchanges on many different sites that it is better to share links with others in related industries-similar to the way you see many different businesses of the same ilk grouped together at intersections-like car dealerships and gas stations for instance. The reason for this is because the more businesses you have grouped together-it works just like the shopping mall concept-you get more traffic and more traffic means more customers to browse in your store and thus more buyers. It is all a numbers game-the more hits you get to your website (the more eyeballs you can get to look at it) the better your chances of making a sale. I am trying to instill this concept into the minds of some of my newer website customers that are dealing in gemstones but they are afraid of losing potential customers to other dealers thru a link exchange. I beleive that you have far more to gain from networking with other businesses in the same arena than you could ever lose. They will be linking back to you-so they are taking just as much of a chance as you are. It also builds rapor and comaraderie and they are more likely to refer someone to you because of it.
If you would like more information about how to increase hits to your website please go to Improving Your Websites Performance Thanks, Ann Menke
Hi, my name is Ann Menke and I design and promote websites for my company A1AWEB.com I work from home out here on my little mini farm in a very rural part of Bunnell Florida. I enjoy helping people promote their already existing and new businesses on the internet and have been doing this for over 8 years now, so have alot of advice to give about creating websites, the marketing of them and their promotion. Of course I do appreciate feedback so please feel free to comment on my posts.
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