Thursday, December 22, 2005

Anchor Text for Link Exchanges

Whenever you ask someone to put a link to your site on theirs it is best to also email them what you want them to put on their site. The link should contain your most important keywords. The more of these links you have on other peoples sites that are pointing to your site the higher your site will get indexed for those keywords. For instance I use the anchor text "internet advertising" and "search engine optimization" in the anchor text when I send someone the title and description for my link. This means the search engines will see these words as linking to my site from someone elses and give me points for them. The more of these words you have on other peoples sites that link to yours the better. OF course it is also good to have keywords in the description as well-but the description is not given as much weight by the search engines as the anchor text. As an example below is what I send to people that I want to do link exchanges with. I try to send it in html format so they can easily copy and paste it onto their site.

A1AWEB Discount Internet Advertising and Search Engine Optimization - Internet Advertising, website design, webpage creation, SEO, search engine optimization, marketing and promotion of websites.

As you can see I use lots of keywords pertaining to what my site is about in both the anchor text and description. If you need help getting more hits to your site please see "How to Improve Your Websites Performance"

Friday, October 21, 2005

Add more Content-Get More Hits

That's the nice thing about adding content, it can do so many things for your site: -A growing site helps encourage search engine crawlers to visit repeatedly. -A growing site has more pages which have the potential to rank for other phrases. -A growing site offers more entry points to searchers. -A growing site offers more opportunities for others to link to it. -A growing site can help positively influence link popularity ...
There are many other great reasons for starting an ongoing content development program. Aside from the link building opportunities, you can also begin to develop your online reputation as an expert in your field.
Further, as visitors do searches on search engines, there is a greater opportunity for your content to appear for those searches, helping to build your sites and your products and services exposure. I add content every day to Florida Earth movers and copy some of it to my other related sites Vintage Restorations and Advanced Performance Diesel . Add more pages to your site today and more content to your existing pages. Need help call me at: 800-459-8675 or visit A1AWEB - Thanks for visiting my Blog - Ann Menke

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Google Adsense Hot Tip

If you are a Google Adsense advertiser you might want to try this to get your ads clicked on more. When displaying 728x90 leaderboard ads put thumbnail images directly above each of the four ads. It helps of course if your images correspond in some part to the ads being displayed. I have yet to try this but I plan to. I have been too busy working on two new websites Walling Dental a dental practice for sale in Walling Tennessee and Scruftys Riverwood RV Park an RV Park on the St.Johns River in Georgetown Florida

Give these sites a visit to see some of the work I do. You can also see all of my sites at A1AWEB. Thanks for visting, Ann Menke

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Content is King

Develop a content strategy. The truth is, "Content is King". Most people online are looking for information. The more information that you provide for your customers, and the more valuable it is, the more likely you will make the sale.
The first and most effective strategy are articles.
Articles actually work for you in several ways.
a. Brands you as an expert so that customers come to you.
b. Provides valuable content to your potential customers.
c. Builds a relationship between you and your potential customers.
d. Creates a viral marketing strategy for your site.
e. Builds a linking strategy for you every time a webmaster publishes one of your articles or links to it.
However, if the thought of writing your own content gives you nightmares, there's a way around this.
You can use public domain information. Public domain information is information that is frëe to use because it's in the public arena, or the copyright has expired.
To help you easily locate this information, I recommend that you download the public domain toolbar. You can get it at the Public Domain Forum. You have to register for an account to get the toolbar, but both the forum account and the toolbar are frëe. The toolbar is a very comprehensive resource of public domain sources.
I hope this information will help you get your website optimized for the search engines.
If you need help and more advice please visit Improving Your Websites Performance by A1AWEB

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Exchanging Links with Related Sites

I have learned after doing many link exchanges on many different sites that it is better to share links with others in related industries-similar to the way you see many different businesses of the same ilk grouped together at intersections-like car dealerships and gas stations for instance. The reason for this is because the more businesses you have grouped together-it works just like the shopping mall concept-you get more traffic and more traffic means more customers to browse in your store and thus more buyers. It is all a numbers game-the more hits you get to your website (the more eyeballs you can get to look at it) the better your chances of making a sale. I am trying to instill this concept into the minds of some of my newer website customers that are dealing in gemstones but they are afraid of losing potential customers to other dealers thru a link exchange. I beleive that you have far more to gain from networking with other businesses in the same arena than you could ever lose. They will be linking back to you-so they are taking just as much of a chance as you are. It also builds rapor and comaraderie and they are more likely to refer someone to you because of it.
If you would like more information about how to increase hits to your website please go to Improving Your Websites Performance Thanks, Ann Menke

Thursday, July 07, 2005

How to get on the Search Engines Faster

How to get Google to index your website fast:
Go to and create a blog about the same thing your website is about.
In the blog put links in it going to your website (you can copy the text from your website into your blog) Then ping your blog URL so google will pick up those links using, it fast, easy and best of all free.

You can also ping your blog so it will get indexed by Yahoo fast by opening a free yahoo account at then bring your blog into it as content for your yahoo page. This will cause yahoo to spider your blog and find the links to your website.

I hope you have found this informative-if you need me to do this for you or need help with your website-email me at or call 800-459-8675-Thanks, Ann Menke

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Blogging to Help Your Site on the Search Engines

I have recently suggested to some of my A1AWEB customers to create a blog thru to help their sites do better on the search engines. It is the easiest way I know of for them to create content online. The way this works is they write about their website and whatever else they want to write about and put links to their website within their blog. This can also help if you have affiliate programs you want to get more traffic to. Add links to some of your affiliate programs and mention one of your web pages every few days within your blog postings.
I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to remember to put a link to your websites within your blog.
After you create a blog be sure to join and add your blog as an RSS feed to your My Yahoo web area. You can also do this by joining as they offer MSN webspaces for you to create a blog in which you can pull into your yahoo web area. Pulling your blog as an RSS feed into the content of your My Yahoo will cause Yahoo to index that blog. If you post to your blogger for 8 days in a row Google will pick up your blog. And if you put links to your website within the blog-this will cause google to crawl and hopefully index your website as well. I hope you find this information helpful- if you need help with getting your website to do better on the search engines please contact me Ann Menke at 800-459-8675 or email me at:

Search Engines Don't Care How Big You Are

I consistently hear from companies who are puzzled as to why their expensive, cutting-edge website is perpetually outranked by a site of perceived inferior quality - “our website is better than theirs” or “we are a much bigger company” are common remarks. Beauty is, as always, in the eye of the beholder. The sites that consistently rank highly are almost always using optimization methods that offer something of value to people who entered the search query. Search engines care as much about the size of a company or how much it spent on its website about as much as they care about what you had for breakfast this morning.
Rather than chase the ever-changing technical attributes that can get you short-term results, you instead use optimization methods that leverage your company’s knowledge of your industry to create something useful for the searcher. You can improve your website and offer the information and products that prospects are seeking, even if those prospects are in the earliest stages of the buying cycle. In general, you will not have to watch your rankings swing wildly based upon new spam filters or algorithm shifts, and thus will enjoy a higher level of predictability when it comes to your website (although with search engines, there are never any guarantees). Since you aren’t constantly forced to re-address your site’s search engine optimization methods, you’ll have more time to focus on other online marketing areas that need attention, such as doing link exchanges, creating a newsletter, etc.
So just add more relevant content-even just one page a week or even one page a month and slowly but surely you will get a more long lasting boost on the search engines.
Need help on the search engines go to A1AWEB
or call me - Ann Menke at 800-459-8675.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Use Paypal to accept credit cards online

You can sign up for Paypal for free to accept all types of credit card payments, and direct debit on checking accounts for payments on your website. I highly recommend using paypal as I have been using it myself for well over 6 years now.
My Internet Advertising customers use it to pay me when I send them invoices from Quickbooks. I can also use it to send money requests to them. And for paying for something on ebay it is so much easier to use then having to write a check. It's completely secure and the processing fees are not charged to you until you actually sell something. The rates are competitive with merchant accounts without having to pay all those monthly merchant account brokerage and gateway fees.
Giving your customers an easy way to pay you increases your chances of making a sale online.

Click Here to Sign up for Paypal today!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Optimizing Your Website for the Search Engines

Website Optimization means fixing and updating your pages to increase ecommerce sales, lead generation and search engine ranking.
There are many ways to optimize your website-you can read about them at Improving Website Performance.
I can help you with your websites SEO planning, Search Engine Submission, Pay Per Click (PPC) Management, Targeted Traffic, Email and Newsletter creation and marketing, Content Creation and Building, Link exchange management and building.These are all a part of getting your website up higher on the search engines. If you are not doing these things yourself then you need to hire someone to do them for you. Otherwise your website will be sitting in cyberspace with no visitors. The old adage of "Build it and they will come" just isn't true for the internet. Anyone can create a website but getting it easily found on the search engines take content building talent and years of marketing and promotion experience. If you can't do it yourself call me at 800-459-8675 or email me at You can see all the websites I've created for my customers at A1AWEB. Thanks for reading and have a great online day-Ann

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Exchanging Links Is Essential For Higher Ranking

You absolutely must trade links with other sites to get ranked better on the search engines. But you cannot trade links with just anyone-you need to concentrate on exchanging links with sites in industries related to your own. Do you ever wonder why you see so many car dealerships in one place or so many restaurants all on one road. More related businesses attract more customers. Do you want to hang with the big boys or be out in the desert all alone. It is a good thing to advertise for others on your website as long as they are doing the same for you on theirs. And I don't mean just a few sites. You need to exchange links with at least 200 sites to help your site get a better ranking on Google. I charge $5 per link exchange as this is a very time consuming that can really ad up if you don't do it yourself. I must search for sites related to yours for you to exchange links w. then put their links on your site, and then email them to ask them to put your link on their site-then check to make sure it is there.Try it yourself to see how much work is involved. Just try doing one a day and in a year you will have 365 links.To see examples of link exchanges scroll to the bottom of my site Promo-Plates and if you want me to do it-fill out the contact form at
A1AWEB Internet Advertising

Getting More Profitable Online

As we all know every online business must maintain and optimize profitability to survive in the increasingly competitive world of internet based eCommerce. In fact, if you"ll excuse the pun, in the "Kingdom of Business", "Return On Investment" or ROI is King.
One sure-fire way, of meeting this objective, in an online environment, is to maximize the number of targeted visitors to your business website. This is unfortunately, "easier said than done". There are many who claim to show you how to do this so very easily and to even get you "boatloads of traffic". This is undoubtedly an arena where "Smoke & Mirrors" seems to reign supreme. Online Marketing, seems to have had more than its fair share of Hype Merchants, Hucksters and Scamsters who promise you the earth for just a few more dollars of your money. "Buy one million hits of laser targeted traffic" is seemingly one such device.
There are a very few who can actually deliver on their promises. But fortunately, this does not have to be so.
I show you every step you need to take in the pursuit of more traffic-please read Improve Your Websites Performance, follow each step and I guarantee you will increase your traffic. If you need help doing it-call me for a free consulation. You can see all the websites I have created at A1AWEB Internet Advertising, Thanks for visiting and have a Great Day! Anny

Monday, May 09, 2005

I am so Excited about this new book!

I just got thru reading the "Science of Getting Rich" and would like to offer this wonderful book to my customers and visitors to my blog for free.
Read it-it's free and very enlightening as well as motivational and who amongst us couldn't use a little motivation every now and then.
I like to read new ebooks to help my customers websites at A1AWEB do better on the search engines and also to stay on top of the newest trends in internet advertising. I always like that AHA feeling I get when I learn something new. Try it and see how good it makes you feel.

Get Rich Book
Click Here
For your
Free Ebook

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Using Google Adsense to Make Money

I post google banners on the tops of my personal websites to help them generate more revenue.
It has proven quite lucrative otherwise I would not recommend it.
To sign up for Google Adsense go to:
Of course it helps if you know some of the Google Ad Secrets to help your banners get more click thrus. I would like to share some of these secrets with you here.
Try to make your google banners have the same background color as your webpage and no borders-this makes it seem more like a part of your website.Put the banners below the main heading or navigation bar. To see examples of where I have done this please visit my site Used Heavy Equipment.
Put them on the tops and bottoms of each webpage and add a Google Search bar below the bottom one on your site.Try to integrate google ads throughout your site so they seem to be a part of it.

Friday, February 25, 2005

It Takes Specialized Knowledge to Market Online

It does take Specialized Knowledge to Market Online.
It takes a specific set of skills to be successful online and then, even once you've acquired these basic skills, you'll still need to know in which order to apply them all.
And so, despite the great wealth and independence that's abundantly available as an online marketer -- precious few folk ever seem to take full advantage and make really great
That's a shame and is particularly frustrating for someone in my position who has managed to master the art of internet marketing to explain how to market online to my customers.
So I would like to reccommend a course that will help you get on the right track and teach you what I have learned after years of trial and error.
It is clear, concise and brilliant! Every established or wannabe online marketer should read this bible of website marketing to get a first hand appreciation of the detail required to build a winning internet marketing business. "Michael Cheney's (the authors) eye for detail combines with his wonderful ability to put across critical ideas in a very readable fashion. I loved it."

Discover Why The World's Best Marketing
Experts Are Calling This Book"A MUST-READ"

Out The Website Marketing Bible

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Don't do Pop-Up Advertising Read Why

It's amazing that there are companies that still sell this worthless form of advertising and it's even more amazing if they make anyone money doing it. My opinion of this advertising is that it's a waste of your money. I have tested many of these through different companies and the end result was always a loss of money. Do yourself a favor and don't do it.Instead read my article about the right way things to do to promote your website at then decide what your next step should be. Email me your website address and I will let you know what you need to do to improve your websites performance. See all the people I have helped by going to
Don't wait for your website to die on the vine, do what it takes to make it grow and make money for you.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Finding Interesting Content For Your Website

A friend of mine recently announced he was going to create a website all about chocolate and yet he knows absolutely nothing about the subject...other than that he likes to eat it. So he told me he got some hershey chocolate recipes in the mail and was going to post those on the website along with affiliate links to chocolates for sale.He found information about the history of chocolate to put on there as well. So with very little forethought he was about to become a chocolate afficiando and well as chocolate merchantier.Of course he plans to put the appropriate color coordinated google banner on his site.I am looking forward to his foray into this new and exciting business enterprise in which he won't even get his fingers sticky. Who says you can't sell sticky sweets without knowing about them.I will keep you posted on how this new venture turns out.In the meantime if you are at a loss as to how to make money on the internet contact me as I and my friends are always choc full of great money making ideas.

Monday, January 17, 2005

How to Get more Traffic to your website

Another way I tell people to get more traffic to their website is to create a separate webpage that focuses on one keyword or a closely related set of keywords.
When you try to make your website cover too many subjects you don't do well on the search engines for any one subject. This is why you should focus single pages on one subject.For example let's say you are selling all kinds of motorcycle accessories...create one page devoted completely to motorcycle helmets-go into detail about the different brands of helmets,which helmets you recommend most or which ones you use yourself. I could site lots of examples for many different types of industries. For clothing-concentrate one page to be all about capri pants, who wears them, what they look good with, the type of weather to wear them in, where to wear them, etc.,. Try to stay positive in your writing-don't put down someone elses products-that is bad karma. If there is some product you don't like-just don't mention it.The more pages that the search engines have to index that are related to your site the better-so start building more webpages-one page for each keyword. It does take time for the search engines to index your site but it is better to have the pages ready ahead of time for when that time comes.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Making Money with your Website

Another way that you can make money with your website is to put Google Adsense banners on the bottom. If you visit my site you can see where I put a banner on the very bottom. When someone clicks thru an ad on this banner I get a tiny percentage of whatever that advertiser offered to pay for impressions and click thrus. You can see how many impressions of a banner shows up on your site and how many people clicked thru it in your google adsense account. The google banner is able to tell what your site is about and provide ads that pertain to the subject of your site. Of course you may end up providing advertising for your competition that way but I feel that your site is more apt to get crawled more often and thus indexed by google more often when you have the adsense banners on it. The reason for this is that the banners are another way of providing fresh related content to your site-similar to a news feed. You can also make more money off your google banners if you place on the tops of your pages. If you do website design you could offer free or discounted hosting in return for your customer allowing you to put google banners at the top or bottom of their webpages.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Earning Money on your website

I had a customer as me how he could make more money off of his Racecar website. Well the first thing I would say to try to make money off your website would be to sell something.
If you are already signed up for paypal you can create a paypal button to put next to the item you have advertised in order to take credit cards for whatever you want to sell.
If you don't have anything of your own to sell then you can sell other peoples stuff by signing up for commission junction at after you are signed up you can then do a search for anything that has to do with racing and sell that.
Sign up is free...everthing is free as they pay you for selling their merchants products.You get an average of about 5-8% per sale.
You place the links on your website and when someone clicks thru and buys something they take their credit card, fill the order and then credit your w.a percentage of the sale.No keeping inventory, no taking credit cards, no filling orders and none of the expenses involved in doing that...they do everything.
To see an example of some sites I have with product links goto:
Florida Arabians and
Starfire Express then
click on catalog to see the products I got off of commission junction that I sell on those websites.
To see commission junction products you must sign up first at:

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Can Prices be Too Low?

It always amazes me when I get emails from people saying my prices are too low for website design....are they the price police...or are they just upset that I am undercutting their that a crime?
One time I got an email from a lady saying I was selling my Boston Terriers for too much money that she didn't charge that much...I told her I was getting what I was asking and she was upset by this. How strange.You can charge whatever you want for whatever merchandise you sell on the internet...where do these people get off saying things like your prices are too low or too high for they think that saying that will change something for them?
I mean if they feel prices are too high-then just ask for a discount-or give, at the very least, some reason why they feel that way. If you feel my prices are too low on my emeralds website then let me know why you feel that way? You can't expect things to change for you if you don't give a reason why they should be changed.
If after trying everything you can on your website to make sales and you still can't make them then maybe your prices are too high...try cutting them at little at a time on a few items and see if that brings forth some action.Check your competition to see what they are competeing with everyone in the same industry online so you have to price competitively.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Selling Online

I had an interesting conversation with a doctor yesterday that wanted to sell his emeralds online.
He had seen my Fine Cut Emerald site and I advertise on there that I can add other gem dealers pages to the site to help them sell their own merchandise. I do this in trade for a gem or two....since they have to send me pictures of what they have I get to see their whole inventory and what they value the stones at so I can get a good pick of one that I like. I like helping people to make money and adding other peoples inventory to my site only helps to enhance the site from my point of view. The more inventory you give people to look at the better. I also plan on adding information about these new types of emeralds that will be from Brazil versus mine which are from Zambia Africa. If anyone out there would like to sell their loose stones either rough or cut look at my Emerald website and think about getting on there as I already get over 100 hits a day so the more I give my customers to look at the better.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Providing Quality Link Exchanges for your Website

My feelings are that to give your front page a better page rank you should place all your link exchanges on the bottom of the front page.

Reciprocal Linking

A Reciprocal link is where two website owners exchange links. I put a link from my site to you yours and you do the same for me in return.
That's why it is called a Link "Exchange.

When a savvy website owner finds your site and they see a that you are trading links
with other website owners, they are very likely to contact you immediately and
request an exchange.

Meaning, you are likely to see MANY more requests for a link exchange than you
are to see folks linking to your site because of a "Link to Us" page. Most
web masters will not even bother trying to exchange links with a site than
doesn't already have a quality links page.

It's all about the numbers. You can get more links faster if you have a quality
link exchange page.

But, if you can quickly acquire incoming links by trading links with other web
masters -by all means do it.

Are there any downsides to Trading Links?

Not really. But, it will take time. Meaning, every time you get a Link Exchange
Request, you need to actually publish the link to the Web Master's site that your
trading with to your Links Page.

If you decide to create a separate page just for links to make sure your links page receives some of your site's Google Page Rank get that page crawled and indexed. In fact, your main links page should have a link directly from the home page. Some Webmasters try to bury their links pages inside their site where people can't find it.

They think they're not "giving up" valuable PageRank that way, but what they're
really giving up is valuable link partners who won't trade links with them and
their cheesy tactics.

Finally, on your Link Exchange page, make sure that you are controlling how
the other web masters are linking to you. You can go so far as to provide the
HTML code of the link that you want them to use right on your Link Exchange Page.

Reciprocal Linking is the basis for the web. Such linking creates the structure
of the Internet. Not only can it provide a powerful tool for Search Engine
it can also provide qualified traffic if the sites that link to you have a genuine interest in your site's industry.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Add New Content To your Website Each Week

What would happen if you got a newspaper delivered to your door step every day and it contained the same news, just with a different date? You'd stop getting that paper delivered, right?
So, if you think that a Search Engine Spider is going to crawl your site over and over again when the content remains the same - guess again. Now - let's be clear. A Search Engine Spider can find your site a variety of different ways. Often, it visits your site regularly once it has a copy of it in its own index, but it can also find your site by following links from other sites to you, that's why link exchanges are so important. Now, once you stop getting new links to your site, what is the incentive to have your site crawled? Fresh Content. You see, if Google visits your site over a period of time and sees that your site's content has changed, it makes a note to visit your site more often so that it can re-index that new content and make it available in its Search Engine. There's some speculation as to how much content has to change, but the popular consensus is that you need to have 1,000 bytes of information different on your page for Google to register it as a "Change of Content." This usually equates to a few hundred words. Why do we want Google to crawl out site often? Lots of reasons - let's look at them all.
1) When your site is new, when Google visits your site, it usually only crawls the first few pages and indexes only the home page. So, by causing Google to revisit your site often, it will crawl deeper each time. Before you know it, your entire site will be in the Search Engine Index. (Either way, Google will eventually get around to your entire site - if you followed the advice in Lesson#1 and made sure that every page of your site is spiderable. But if Google knows your site is updated often, our friend the Googlebot will return more often.
2) When you're experimenting with your On Page and Off Page Optimization Factors,you want to see the results of your changes quickly. If you have the Googlebot visiting your site more often, it's possible that you can see the results of your changes between the major updates faster.
3) Customers like new content! You want repeat customers? Give your customers an excuse to visit your site! Provide them with information that changes often enough so that they return just to see "what's up." Sometimes the "popular" Search engine optimization advice is ok too - the common advice to "write lots of good content" actually can make a positive difference - as long as you build all the additional content pages correctly. In many cases, if you're close to your industry, you'll be able to provide this fresh content easily enough. But if you're not, you can always utilize Syndicated Content to freshen the content on your own site. Here's what I mean. There are a lot of industry specific news sources on the internet that welcome the Syndication of their Content on other sites. Basically, they want you to put their content on your site! You can do this manually, or you can put an RSS News(Real Simple Syndication) feed on your site that will automatically update your site with new content from aspecific industry every time new content is available. How 'bout that?! Whatever you do to generate the new content, the fact of the matter is that changing the content on your site, especially when it's new to the search engines, can go a long way to getting your site indexed quickly and thoroughly.If you want me to put an RSS news feed on your site go to A1AWEB and email or call me about it.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Search Engine Optimization with Content

If you want to dominate a category that contains dozens or hundreds of profitable
keywords or products, you're going to need multiple pages on your site each
targeting a different keyword from your category.

I'm going to group these additional pages into one lump term - I will call them "Content Pages."

Now a content page can be a product page from your eCommerce Store, a Newsletter,
a Review of a Product, a Recommendation for an Affiliate Product, a Listing of
Related web sites or Directories of useful resources - whatever.

The point is each one of these pages is another opportunity for it to rank.

So, you need to take care about structuring these pages so that they target the
keywords that you've found to be in demand.

If you're an eCommerce store owner selling Truck Accessories, make sure you know
exactly how people are searching for those truck accessories in the Search
Engines. Then, take each one of your product pages that relates to those
keywords and optimize it for those search phrases.

If you're an Affiliate Marketer recommending Consumer Electronics, make sure that
you're recommending those products on separate review type pages. Meaning, if
you're recommending a Plasma Television, make sure that you have a few different
pages each recommending a different popular make and model number.

And make sure that those pages are optimized correctly for the most relevant and
in-demand search terms.
If you're selling an information product with a variety of uses in a single
industry, write as many article pages that you have search terms for. Each
article page should be optimized for one or two closely related search terms, and
they should all, in turn, lead to your sales page.

And don't forget, you can trade articles not just links with other web site
owners. While your competitors are slowly trading just one link at a time, you
can blow by them by getting multiple links at once by providing quality content
in the form of articles to other web sites.

Remember that Google and Yahoo! rank pages - not sites. That's why you need to
think about maximizing your content, whatever it may be, in order to maximize
your chances for ranking.

Case in point: For my eccommerce store at Fine Cut Emeralds, I made sure that
each one of my product pages was optimized for the list of keywords that I knew
people were searching for.

So, in addition to optimizing my home page for "loose emeralds," I also optimized
my internal pages for terms like "emerald rings," "emerald gemstones,"
"emerald jewelry," etc.

No, you don't need a lot of content if you don't need to rank for more than a few
keywords. But if you want to dominate an industry or category, you need to have
at least one page of content for every keyword you want ranking for.