Friday, March 24, 2006

Being Prepared for Any Disaster

With all the things in the news about natural disasters that could befall us like mad cow, bird flu, hurricanes and tornadoes it is in my opinion a good idea to prepare for any eventuality. Of course I hope none of these things ever happen but if you live in Florida nowadays you are at least prepared in case of a hurricane. This means stocking up on water, canned goods, flashlight batteries, gasoline and having a generator handy just in case. When you live here these are just the bare minimum of things that you need to keep on hand. But if you are looking at something more long term you might want to think about stocking up more food and supplies than what is just needed for a bad storm. We buy a few extra canned goods each time we shop to help spread out the cost of stocking up and we rotate what we have so the older stuff gets used and the new stuff goes in the back. One thing people don't think about is trash pickup-it's good to have a backup plan in case that gets disrupted. It's hard for them to pickup your trash when the streets are flooded. We bought a dump bed for our pickup from so if we have to we can haul trash to the dump ourselves. I know it came in handy for yard cleanup after the hurricanes last year. Do yourself a big favor and get prepared now-think about it each time you go grocery shopping. Remember how empty the shelves get right before a storm-don't wait till the last minute. Thanks for reading my blog, Ann Menke

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