Use unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Don't try to lump a bunch of products together to save a bit of money on web hosting. Have a site with individual pages dedicated to each product and to nothing else. I just created a site like that called Maxi Dump. Include affiliate product reviews on the website to spell out exactly what the product will do for the purchaser. Include testimonials from users who have enjoyed the product and are willing to allow you to use their names and photos on your website for that product. Write articles highlighting uses for the product and include them on the website as additional pages. Make the web pages compelling, and include calls to act on the information. Every headline must attract the reader to read more. Bullets and highlights of special points will help the reader who is scanning to learn what the page is about find that they have to know more!
If you need a website built today look at the websites I have already created for many happy customers at: A1AWEB Internet Advertising
Thanks for visiting my blog: Ann Menke
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