Have you noticed that almost every company that advertises on television has a website that they flash up on the screeen at the end of the ad? Have you thought about "Advertising on Television"? Unless your business is getting pretty big, this would be quite a bad idea. You'd have trouble producing and airing an ad even on local cable channels for less than $10,000. Of course, if there's a market for your product and you've got the budget for this, you could take a gamble and make a mint. The home businesses that tend to do best out of TV ads are ones that have a 'unique and useful invention' product with easy-to-demonstrate benefits -- think infomercial. Research shows that you can sell almost anything given a 60-second ad, a free phone number and a price point of $19.95.
In some markets advertising on TV is quite reasonable locally but be sure to mention your website in your ad. It is unbeleivable the number of big business owners that forget to do this. Mention your website on everything you have your company name printed on. Sometimes people are more apt to go to a website before they even call you on the phone because they don't want to have to deal with salespeople or being put on hold.
If you need help with your advertising online please contact me or visit my internet advertising website. - Thanks for reading my blog - Ann Menke
Hi, my name is Ann Menke and I design and promote websites for my company A1AWEB.com I work from home out here on my little mini farm in a very rural part of Bunnell Florida. I enjoy helping people promote their already existing and new businesses on the internet and have been doing this for over 8 years now, so have alot of advice to give about creating websites, the marketing of them and their promotion. Of course I do appreciate feedback so please feel free to comment on my posts.
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