There are lots of free places to advertise. Here are a few that I use quite a bit to sell used heavy equipment. When you open a new account you can put two free ads in the Be sure to put your website address in the description of your ads.
For used Antique Tractors and Equipment try only allow one picture though.
You can post as many ads as you like with lots of pictures at and let's not forget one of the biggest free advertising sites on the internet
Of course be sure not to abuse these sites and follow their policies. It's also a good idea only to place ads on craigslist that are close to home if it is a vehicle you are advertising as most people won't travel very far to look at it seems. But I have been wrong about that before as I recently shipped a Kenworth semi truck to Italy so your buyers can come from very far away.
I even shipped a Mack truck and dump truck to Africa last year.
I hope these links come in handy for you - thanks for visiting my internet advertising blog - Ann Menke
Hi, my name is Ann Menke and I design and promote websites for my company I work from home out here on my little mini farm in a very rural part of Bunnell Florida. I enjoy helping people promote their already existing and new businesses on the internet and have been doing this for over 8 years now, so have alot of advice to give about creating websites, the marketing of them and their promotion. Of course I do appreciate feedback so please feel free to comment on my posts.
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