Sunday, January 16, 2005

Making Money with your Website

Another way that you can make money with your website is to put Google Adsense banners on the bottom. If you visit my site you can see where I put a banner on the very bottom. When someone clicks thru an ad on this banner I get a tiny percentage of whatever that advertiser offered to pay for impressions and click thrus. You can see how many impressions of a banner shows up on your site and how many people clicked thru it in your google adsense account. The google banner is able to tell what your site is about and provide ads that pertain to the subject of your site. Of course you may end up providing advertising for your competition that way but I feel that your site is more apt to get crawled more often and thus indexed by google more often when you have the adsense banners on it. The reason for this is that the banners are another way of providing fresh related content to your site-similar to a news feed. You can also make more money off your google banners if you place on the tops of your pages. If you do website design you could offer free or discounted hosting in return for your customer allowing you to put google banners at the top or bottom of their webpages.

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